Best Iron Defeciency Pills Easy to Digest
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Best Iron Supplements UK 2022 Review- Top 3
Are you exhausted. When you feel weak and run-down, your trouble may be due to what doctors call Iron deficiency amenia. And to feel stronger fast, you should take an iron supplement. It will help to transport oxygen throughout the body. But which form is best absorbed and you can buy without the prescription? Here is the list of best iron supplements in the UK reviewed by our website."
When we think of Iron, we usually associate it with a superhero with a tough,non-collapsible suit whose functions are so many it can stand earth or outer conditions. Or Iron with the Iron Man challenge, where challenges are made to test the toughest of the tough triathletes.
However we think about Iron, the fourth most common element on earth has to be tough, as it is always busy, being in the forefront, sustaining life. It is very important for the human body since it is a component of haemoglobin and myoglobin. Through blood, haemoglobin carries oxygen to our body's tissues and organs, while myoglobin helps muscle cells store oxygen. It is also essential for DNA replication and ATP production.
A surprising number of people in the United Kingdom have insufficient iron in the diets- and few realise that lack of the mineral can make them weak, unable to concentrate and more susceptible than normal to infection. Too much iron, however, can be dangerous, so be cautious about taking supplements.
Best Iron Supplements UK 2022
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Common Uses
- Treats iron-deficiency anaemia.
- Often needed during pregnancy; by women with heavy menstrual periods; or in other situations determined by your doctor.
- Avoid high-dose supplements containing iron alone, unless they have been prescribed by your doctor. Some people suffer from haemochromatosis, an inherited disease which causes them to absorb too much iron, and most don't even know they have it. (Early symptoms include fatigue and aching joints.)
- A supplement containing iron alone could also mask a cause of anaemia, such as a bleeding ulcer and prevent your doctor from making an early, life-saving diagnosis
- Reminder: If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking supplements.
Guidelines for Use
The iron supplement will be best absorbed when you take it on an empty stomach. However, if iron upsets your stomach, have it with meals, preferably with a small amount of meat and a portion of food or drink rich in vitamin C like orange juice or broccoli that will help to boost the amount of iron your body can absorb.
Types of Iron Supplements
Iron has only 2 prescription types – Ferrous and Ferric iron .
Ferrous Iron Qualities:
• Of the two supplement types, Ferrous iron is better tolerated by patients than ferric iron.
• The human body also absorbs it much better than ferric iron.
• Because of its better absorption quality, it is prescribed more often than the other iron supplement type.
• Ferrous iron has three types typically prescribed : ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous gluconate
Ferric Iron Qualities:
• Bioavailability ( degree and rate at which an administered drug is used by the body's circulatory system ) is 3 to 4 times less than Ferrous Iron.
• The gastrointestinal tract has to reduce it to ferrous form to be used by the human body.
• Less effective than Ferrous Iron
Why is Ferrous Gluconate Better Choice?
- Bioavailability ( degree and rate at which an administered drug is used by the body's circulatory system ) is at par with ferrous sulphate.
- Gentler on the stomach because of its smaller iron dose.
- Used to treat iron deficiencies not limited to anaemia.
- Improves the performance of the nervous system, circulatory system, and emotional health
- Particularly beneficial to people who are predisposed to iron deficiency :
- Women, especially pregnant or menstruating women.
- The elderly whose diet may be iron-poor.
- People who are taking blood thinners.
- People who are having difficulty absorbing iron.
How We Found the Best Iron Supplements
When the human blood does not contain sufficient healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin, a condition called anaemia develops. The most common type of anaemia in the UK is Iron deficiency anaemia. Around 8% of women in the UK suffer from this condition.
Iron deficiency can also cause, a feeling of extreme tiredness, lethargy, and lack of appetite that would invariably affect our performance of physical and mental activities. Due to lack of oxygen in our organs, it can also lead to the weakening of memory, inability to focus, depression, and other mental functions.
To prevent this from happening, ensuring that we maintain sufficient levels of iron in our body is vital.
But what makes the best iron supplements
Iron with Ferrous Gluconate
a. As mentioned earlier, Ferrous gluconate is one of the Ferrous Iron / Ferrous Salts that is better absorbed by the body. It's gastrointestinal side effects are also better tolerated than
b. Used to treat iron deficiency anaemia ( a condition of having too little iron in the body that results to lack of red blood cells), and other conditions not limited to insufficient iron intake
Iron in Liquid Form
a. The liquid iron form is more absorbable.
b. It is more easily digested by the body, especially good for the elderly who's digestion may not be as efficient as when they were younger.
c. There are people who do not like swallowing pills or cannot take pills, therefore, this is the best form of iron to take.
d. This form of iron has fewer side effects especially when the dosage is strictly followed.
Iron that Contains Herbal and Fruit Extract
a. Herbal extracts and fruit extracts make liquid iron more easily absorbed by the body.
b. It makes liquid iron better tasting and acceptable than other iron forms or liquid forms that do not contain herbal and fruit extracts.
c. Liquid iron with fruit and herb extracts exudes a fruity aroma that is more acceptable than conventional formulas without these extracts.
d. Provides nutrients and additional vitamins from the herbs and fruits extracts that contribute to better body maintenance
Iron that is Packed with Vitamin B
a. Works with iron in the production of normal red blood cells and haemoglobin.
b. Iron with Vitamin B helps in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
c. Help normalize energy-yielding metabolism d. Water-soluble, and boosts iron's rebuilding properties
Iron that has Added Vitamin C
a. Vitamin C helps in the better absorption of iron by the body.
b. Helps counteract the inhibiting effect of some foods on iron absorption.
c. Contributes to a better, more acceptable taste for iron
Floradix Iron Review
Floradix is one of the established brands of Salus Haus, well-known manufacturers of top quality health foods.
It is made of organic iron from ferrous gluconate, and has added Vitamin B12, B2, and B6, and has added Vitamin C for easier and faster absorption of the body. It also has a pleasant taste brought by natural herbs and fruit extracts that makes its flavour palatable. This is what makes this product acceptable to kids, or people who particularly dislike the taste of iron supplements. It also helps prevent constipation that is normally associated with iron supplement intake.
This product helps to treat iron deficiency anaemia, thus working to reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also contributes to the formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin.
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What We Like
- Made from organic Ferrous gluconate
- Has added Vitam B2, B12,B6
- Has added Vitamin C
- It contains natural herbs and fruit extracts that makes for a pleasant test and reduced constipation associated with iron supplement intake
- Good treatment for iron deficiency anemia
- Helps normalize the body's iron level
- Revitalizes and helps lift depression
- Contributes to the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin
- Does not contain alcohol
- Product is 100% natural, and does not contain any preservative
- GMO free
- Does not contain any colourings or artificial flavorings
- It is lactose free
- It is ideal for vegetarians
- Ideal for pregnant and lactating women ( under doctor's direction )
- Ideal for children ( under doctor's direction )
- Competitively priced
What We Don't Like
- Results may vary
- Contains wheat germ, so this product may not be appropriate for people who have problems with gluten
- Has a slight tendency to leak and spill
Nu U Nutrition Iron Supplement Review
From Nu U Nutrition, comes this liquid iron formula loaded with Vitamins B2, B12, and Vitamin C that is specially formulated to treat low iron levels in the body, and to treat iron deficiency anaemia.
This formula contributes to normal cognitive function, normal immune system function, and normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin resulting in better concentration and a stronger immune system. It is beneficial for the reduction of tiredness, fatigue and making for more energy.
It is made of organic iron from ferrous gluconate, and has added Vitamin B12, B2, and has added Vitamin C for easier and faster absorption of the body. Vitamin B12 backs regular red blood cell formation, thus reducing tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B2, on the other hand, helps in the maintenance of the nervous system, normal metabolism of iron, and maintenance of the skin and vision.
It also has a pleasant taste brought by natural herbs and fruit extracts. It is easy on the taste buds as well as in the stomach. This is what makes this product acceptable to kids, or people who particularly dislike the taste of iron supplements. It also helps prevent constipation that is normally associated with iron supplement intake.
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What We Like
- Made from organic Ferrous gluconate
- Has added Vitamin B2, B12
- Has added Vitamin C
- It contains natural herbs and fruit extracts that makes for a pleasant test and reduced constipation associated with iron supplement intake
- The intake does not make the stomach or small intestine ache. Easy on the stomach
- A good treatment for iron deficiency anaemia
- Helps normalize the body's iron level
- Revitalizes and helps lift depression
- Contributes to the formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin
- Does not contain alcohol
- The product is 100% natural and does not contain any preservative
- GMO-free
- Does not contain any colourings or artificial flavourings
- It is lactose-free
- It is soya free
- It is ideal for vegetarians and vegans
- Ideal for pregnant and lactating women ( under doctor's direction )
- Ideal for children ( under the doctor's direction )
- The bottle is good for 50 days supply of iron ( at 20ml each day for adults )
- Made in the UK in a GMP certified facility
- Competitively priced
What We Don't Like
- Results may vary
- Contains wheat germ, so this product may not be appropriate for people who have problems with gluten
Hubner Iron Vital F Liquid Review
From Anton Hübner of Germany, comes this liquid iron formula packed with essential B vitamins – Vitamins B6, B2, B12, and Vitamin C that is specially formulated to treat low iron levels in the body, and to treat iron deficiency anaemia
This formula contributes to normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin resulting in better concentration and a stronger immune system. It is beneficial for the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, making for more energy.
It also has a pleasant taste brought by natural herbs and fruit extracts that makes its flavour palatable. It is easy on the taste buds, easy to digest, which makes it easy on the stomach. It has a fresh, fruity aroma that is pleasant to the nose. Further, iron aftertaste does not linger in the mouth. This is what makes this product acceptable to kids, or people who particularly dislike the taste of iron supplements. It also helps prevent constipation that is normally associated with iron supplement intake.
Because of its natural formulation, it may be taken by pregnant and lactating women.
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What We Like
- Made from organic Ferrous gluconate
- Packed with Vitamin B6, B2, B12
- Has added Vitamin C
- It contains natural herbs and fruit extracts that makes for a pleasant test and reduced constipation associated with iron supplement intake
- The intake does not make the stomach or small intestine ache. Easy on the stomach
- A good treatment for iron deficiency anaemia
- Helps normalize the body's iron level
- Revitalizes and helps lift depression
- Contributes to the formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin
- Does not contain alcohol
- Does not contain any colourings or artificial flavourings
- Ideal for pregnant and lactating women ( under doctor's direction )
- Ideal for children ( under the doctor's direction )
- Ideal for vegetarians and vegans
What We Don't Like
- Results may vary
- Product is small, it is only good for 12.5 days ( at 20 ml per day )
- Product has a tendency to spill, so one has to be extra careful when pouring it out
Customer Questions & Answers
What foods should be avoided when taking iron supplements?
Iron is best taken on an empty stomach. This is so that it can be better absorbed, and there will be no hindrances to its absorption. However, once supplementation begins, certain foods and medications should be avoided or limited. These are :
• The chemical makes up of coffee and cocoa prevents the absorption of iron, in the same way, that tannins in green tea also interfere with iron absorption. These beverages should not be consumed taken within two (2) hours before or after taking iron.
• Other products that inhibit iron absorption are dairy products which commonly contain calcium, antacids, and calcium supplements. Calcium supplements and iron should not be taken together.
• Bran products, raw vegetables – food rich in fibre, all contribute to decreased iron absorption. When eaten, it somehow exacerbates the iron side effects of nausea, cramps, diarrhoea, and constipation.
• Legumes and whole grains contain phytates ( anti-nutrients ) which decreases iron's and other minerals' bioavailability. Vegetarians whose diet restricts them from getting iron from meat should consider this property of whole grains and legumes, especially when they are aiming to increase iron levels in the body.
How long does it take iron supplements to work?
Iron deficiency anaemia is our body not producing enough haemoglobin to transport oxygen to all the cells in the body. To correct this, iron supplements along with other iron-rich foods must be taken.
• People who take these supplements usually feel better after only a few days, usually a week.
• Haemoglobin levels may start to rise in 2 to 3 weeks.
• Depending on how severe anaemia is at the beginning of intake, the length of time a person has had low iron levels, and the body's rate of recovery, the length of time it would take for the body to build up lost iron stores would vary.
• Within eight weeks of supplementation, anaemia may be reversed.
• Supplementation may be advised to be continued for 6 months to ensure that iron levels in the body are enough to prevent another bout of anaemia.
Can a lack of iron make you tired?
• Haemoglobin, the component of red blood cells that is iron-rich helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Not having enough haemoglobin carrying red blood cells makes the heart work harder in carrying oxygen-rich blood through the body, as a result, the body is deprived of the energy it needs. Fatigue or tiredness is the most common symptom of iron deficiency. This fatigue often comes with a feeling of weakness, irritability and inability to focus.
• Iron deficiency can also cause headaches, clamminess, pale skin, cold feet and hands, dizziness, chest pain, and shortness of breath, excessive hair shedding, restless legs, and weakened immune system brought by heightened vulnerability to infection
Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent mineral deficiency not only in the UK but in most other parts of the world. The effects of this deficiency are too easily dismissed as something normal because most people associate tiredness or fatigue with work and other everyday activities, and not with lack of iron. However, as in any supplement, it is very important that a decision to improve iron levels should be consulted with your health care provider or physician. Pregnant, lactating women, and children must also consult a doctor to determine the need for an iron supplement. Either way, it is a must that we ensure that iron is kept at a level that would sustain the production of oxygen-carrying haemoglobin and like Iron Man, maintain a body that is working at optimal condition.
Hi! I'm Jane, Chief Editor at Nature's Cure Zone based in London, UK. I love sharing unbiased natural product reviews, writing about health and wellness and sharing about natural remedies. I'll do my best to make it fun for you. Enjoy reading!
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